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Are you news weary? I must confess I rarely look forward to reading the papers each morning. It’s the same old thing: ISIS, terrorism, radicalization of youths, racially motivated political statements, corruption, political assassination in Russia, global warming, sputtering global economy and many other local unsavoury items like local crimes and so on. I often turn to the sports pages first for something to celebrate but even there, issues of doping, bad sportsmanship dominate. Everywhere we turn the world seems to be becoming a more dangerous place. When will all this end?

Why is this important, you ask? Because sin, which separates us from God’s love is what put Jesus on the cross for our sins..

Not for a while yet. Matthew 24 tells us these things will go on: wars, crimes, natural disasters, hardening of hearts, blaspheming, hatred will cover the earth. So what are we to do in the meantime? We can either give up or we can rise up. We can be used by God in this hour to and make a difference. Even as Satan seeks to rampage on earth, his work is for a season. Then the end will come. But to be used, we must stand against evil and pray God’s Kingdom to come in all its fullness on earth soon! Grace saves us and God’s wrath is removed from us but I believe radical discipleship means we must still be prepared to suffer for our faith, even here in Malaysia. It’s hard to imagine why millions in the world- both atheists and other religions- hate Christians so much. It’s the evil that has been unleashed in the end times.

So we must be prepared to share the gospel, to suffer and to pray corporately for His manifest glory to be revealed on earth. The important thing really is choosing to live like that now even as we look to the skies. We must also have a heart for Israel and continue to pray for that nation and for the Jewish people to turn to Him as well as the millions in the Middle East. One day He is coming! And those of us who are alive will be caught up to meet Him in the air. The dead will rise again with new bodies. He will come in all His glory. Every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow. It will happen very suddenly! That’s the Rapture. As sure as day follows night He will come. The question is: now that you know this, are you ready for the Second Coming?
Ps Dr Philip Lyn