Sunday Celebration


This is the time of vibrant and passionate celebration with contemporary music. The atmosphere is lively and joyful. Messages are life impacting and ministry touches and changes many lives. God is real and many people encounter Him in a life changing way each Sunday. Stay back after service to have fellowship with us over coffee or tea. To find out about upcoming topics and speakers, check out our SkyEvents page.

KIDSZONE (3 – 11 yrs old)

During this time, the younger children receive teaching and ministry in the Kidszone. The kids learn about Jesus through a fun and interactive session; they have outings, events, birthday celebrations and bring their friends. Bring them to us while you attend the main service. To find out about Kidzone Ministry, check out our Kidzone Ministry page.

TODDLERS (18 – 36 months old)

Fun time often accompanied by their parents.

NURSERY (0 – 18 months old)

Pregnant mothers and infants stay in the Nursery.They join the main service through a glass screen and piped in audio! Special ministry to the babies is also provided during worship time!

Sunday Kidzone Celebration


We Love them! Bring them on! Skyline’s Kidszone Ministry runs simultaneously with Sunday celebration. The kids learn about God in a fun environment.

Rewards systems, scripture memory, passionate worship, birthday celebrations, fun family outings, kidszone camp are some of the activities. In December 2010 Kidszone choir sang at the Skyline Christmas musical event: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! They were awesome.

Love Kids? Want to make the difference? Join Kidszone as a teacher, musician, helper and grow our next generation.

Fill in the Willing-to-Help form and we will be in touch with you.


Saturday Campus Celebration


Every Saturday: 5.30-7.00 pm @ Skyline

For many University students in KK, the years in Sabah are either the loneliest, most challenging and least enjoyable or the best academically, spiritually, and in friendships. We believe God uses Skyline to make the difference for these to be the best and most meaningful years.

Skyline seeks to gather UMS students together on a Saturday night, share God’s love with them freely, help them in their university courses, give them space to make great friends and to mentor them to grow spiritually. Many also serve in campus cell groups. Transport is also provided from campus (or places of residence) to Sunday celebrations at Sutera Harbour where they integrate with the rest of the church, go out for lunch after service or meet other friends.

Many also serve on the worship team, in media ministries, do community services in the interior or help the youths in Saturday night services or teach in Kidszone on Sundays. Join us and feel the buzz of Campus!

For more information, please contact Skyline office at +6-088-247804 or email

Saturday Youth Celebration



If you’re between 12- 19, it happens on Saturday nights @ Skyline. Come early, mix around, make friends, catch the buzz and the music. Fun-filled, Passionate, Excited to be Alive, Purposeful!. The youths gather on Saturdays for the Youth Ignite! Service.

Worship is enhanced with guitars, drums, keyboards and passionate vocal. It’s a great place to hang out on a Saturday night. To hear God’s Word in contemporary language. To share in the unique journey as youths together. To bring friends so they can be part of a happening night.


Prayer Meeting


Skyline Church Prayer, Tuesdays 8.00pm @ Skyline & Saturdays 6.00am @ Skyline

They happen in groups gathered throughout the week. Join us at the following times and places to pray for personal needs, the church, the city and the nations and help shape the future of Malaysia. Come and Seek the Lord Together!

To find our more about Skyline’s Prayer Meetings, please contact the church office at +6-088-247804 or email

Cell Groups


Cells are the heartbeat of Skyline. If you’re in a cell, you’re in life. Out of a cell and you’ll float around in this church! Cells meet on Thursdays, Fridays, or Sundays in different homes throughout the city. Experience God’s Love, Fellowship and Friendship Together. Cells help us to apply God’s truth to our lives. This is often a time of fun, food and laughter. Week after week, we make friends and see our own lives changed in homes. The Cells are the means by which Skyline reach out to the poor and needy in community transformation projects.

Join a cell today!

Contact the church office today at +6-088-247804 or email and we’ll put you in touch with a cell for you to join.

Cell Group near you...