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One of the biggest challenges for me has been to wear the hats of a husband, father, pastor and doctor simultaneously. Sometimes I wish I had done a better job of all these roles. I wish I had had more time for all my children, my marriage, my family over the years and even for the church. I travel and speak, I minister to believers and I pray for the needy. Skyline has passed the 800 mark and is still growing. People think I am some sort of a super hero. Banish the thought! Only I know how ordinary I am. In fact in every way I face the same obstacles and challenges you and I meet all the time. There have been disappointments, questions and mysteries. But one thing for sure: I continue to experience an overwhelming sense of God’s grace upon my life in spite of all my shortcomings and failures. He is good to me all the time; He is faithful to my family always and I am blessed to be in the larger family of Skyline!

The beauty of a family is just this; there is love, care and trust. When that is felt in a church, then it is very obvious that God is present. People will be connected in small groups that reflect this family whether they be in cells, ministry teams or mentoring groups. Even as the church grows, these small groups will reflect “a-church-within-the-church” life and people will know they are loved and cared for. The “family” is still healthy and personal even as the numbers increase. That’s why everyone should be in a cell group today! There you will find yourself highly favoured, greatly blessed and deeply loved by God and his family! Join a cell for 2015. It starts on Big Friday!!

What’s the biggest delusion in a family? Being together at a meal or staying in the same house and thinking that that represents family time together! Nothing could be further from the truth. A survey was done in the US and it found that the average father spends just 23 seconds a day talking to his children! Unbelievable? I’ve timed myself on a few busy days in the past when my kids were smaller and I found this to be TRUE! It made me change a few things in my life especially in my taking time to talk more slowly to my children and my wife. The years have flown and so have the kids but I still have the larger family of Skyline and for this I am immensely grateful!


Ps Dr Philip Lyn